Do You Exude A Positive Body Image???

Do You Exude A Positive Body Image???

What’s Up Beautiful People!  Thanks for visiting DrxJoy Your Prescription For Total Wellness Blog!

We have an interesting post on body image…full of practical advice you can use TODAY…before you read this make sure you take three deep breaths:



INHALE……….EXHALE  (How do your feel?) I feel great!


Do You Exude A Positive Body Image???

Let’s get started with and practical advice for you to incorporate into your daily regime.  Ok, before we get started let me preface some of this information is common sense, however we sometimes need a gentle reminder –

External and Internal Cleanliness allows you to exude a positive body image.  Keep your body/hair washed, nails clean, and teeth brushed.  Keep your bodily fluids and tissues free from toxins.  Did you know??? Your TEETH say a lot about you!!  Noone enjoys speaking with someone with a dirty mouth (foul language and/or foul breath).  Brush your teeth after every meal and visit the dentist every 6 months.  Change out your toothbrush every 2 months.  If you are have a cold, change your toothbrush more frequently.  Question for you….When was your last visit to the dentist?  If the answer is greater than 6 months, get on the phone right now and schedule your next appointment!

Promote your positive self image and SMILE.   Remember, You may be judged by the teeth in YOUR mouth!

Schedule regular manicures, pedicures, and facials…Women for the most part get this….Men, you can do this too.  If paying for this service is not a priority, then You can do it at HOME…No Excuses!

Manicures: Soften your cuticles and hands with your lotion daily to obtain a fresh look.

Pedicures: Scrub your FEET with a pumice stone while in the shower DAILY …this will soften your feet over time, do not forget to apply lotion and socks once dry.   Lotion your feet in the evening before retiring for bed again…wear those socks to bed too.

Facials: Exfoliate weekly.  Boil water and let the steam hit your face for intervals of 2-3 minutes for a total of 10 minutes.  Be careful, as you should be able to breathe, if you cannot …back away from the steam!  Trust me, if you do this once a week, you will increase your skin moisture.

There is a direct correlation between YOUR Body Image, YOUR Self-Esteem, and YOUR Self Confidence.  Remember, this is all about YOU!

Be Blessed, Stay Healthy!

See ya!

Dr. Joy

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