About Me

Dr. Joy Ohayia is a total wellness advocate who provides her expertise on the locally syndicated TV Show, The Dr. Joy Show – “Your Prescription For Total Wellness”, which focuses on “The Seven Elements of Total Wellness,” comprising physical, nutritional, social, environmental, financial, spiritual, and mental health. Fortune 500 companies have also benefited from Dr. Joy’s proven strategies for success.
The Dr. Joy Workplace Wellness Program
Healthy, Wealthy and Wise
“Your health is your wealth.”, addresses mental, emotional, and social factors through customized programming to include health fairs, education, weight management programs, and reward-based fitness programs.
Dr. Joy is a motivational speaker and author of, “Pivot to Find Your Joy”, and “Don’t Let “IT” Get You! An Empowering Health and Fitness Guide for Women.”
Dr. Joy holds a PhD – Natural Health and Holistic Nutrition and Healing from the University of Natural Health, Master of Science, and Bachelor of Science degrees in applied math and statistics, from Rutgers University and Stony Brook University, respectively.