Does YOUR Body Get the Proper Amount of REST…

Does YOUR Body Get the Proper Amount of REST Daily????

What’s Up Beautiful People!  Thanks for visiting DrxJoy Your Prescription For Total Wellness Blog!

We have an interesting article on Our Body and REST…full of practical advice you can use TODAY…before you read this make sure you take three deep breaths:



INHALE……….EXHALE  (How do your feel?) I feel great!


Does YOUR Body Get the Proper Amount of REST Daily????  Before you answer, I have some more questions for you….Do you awaken by artificial means (an alarm clock, someone awakening you, etc)? …When you awaken are you still tired?  Do you take supplements to fall asleep (sleeping pills)?  If you have answered NO to any of these questions then YOUR body is NOT getting the proper amount of REST required for you to perform at Optimal Level, period end of story!

Before the practical advice, I want to provide you with some key terms regarding REST.

REST is defined as Peace, Ease, or Refreshment resulting for sleep or cessation of an activity.  This means YOU need to STOP your activities shut everything down to recharge your body’s energy.  The four (4) most common types of REST are –

Physical REST: Lying down in a comfortable position in a pleasant surrounding (most of us understand this one)

Sensory REST: This is achieved only if YOU close your eyes and ears.  YES, eyes and ears must be closed.

Emotional REST: Feeling of calm and detached awareness…just let your mind wander…try it.

Last but not least…Physiological REST: The slowing of basal metabolism achieved with actual sleep and during periods of reduced digestive demand. Even your digestive system takes a BREAK!

The body will give YOU a sensation of drowsiness; theBEST thing to do is REST or Get Some Sleep!  It is ok, you will not miss out on anything.  And please please please DO NOT exercise when TIRED, as this will surely invite INJURY, AMOTIVATION, and SICKNESS to say the least.

Rest and Aging better yet the slowing down of the Aging process go hand in hand….There are theories that support physiological aging can be slowed by providing the body with good nutrition plus sufficient REST/Sleep for proper anabolism to occur.  Ok so there are some technical terms, let me break them down for you.  There are two body process that are main factors of REST: Anabolic process and Catabolic process.  During the anabolic process the construction of complex structures of living cells occur…When we REST, this process will create growth and repair of our cells.  On the contrary, the catabolic process is the destructive process of complex structures, which occurs when our body is active…moving and grooving…When the anabolic process outpace the catabolic process we have Growth! Hmmmm…

So how do we know when our body needs REST??  You already have the answer: but here it is…WE should learn to listen to our body’s cues as our body is communicating to us to Shut Down to recharge.

Ok, you are probably wondering how much sleep is actually needed…The answer: ENOUGH!  If your answer is YES to the question below, then you are getting ENOUGH Rest/Sleep Daily… we go:

Are you ready to roll out of bed in the morning to start your day? If YES, you have had enough REST.  Howwwwevvver , if you use an alarm clock wake yourself, you are systematically cutting short your sleep.

Are you concerned with getting TOO much sleep?  No need to be concerned as Your Body will give you the signal that You Need to fall asleep!

Now for the advice to GET YOUR REST…

GO TO BED earlier, perhaps try 15 minutes earlier, or 30 minutes earlier and SLEEP, Just shut It Down…until the act of sleeping is no longer pleasurable.

Remember, your are paying attention to your body….Sometimes during the day you may feel sleepy…if you can, go ahead and take a CAT NAP.

CAT NAPS no longer than 15 minutes, close your eyes and ears to light and sound around you.  Try using ear plugs and/or eye mask, I know for a fact this works!

Check this out, engaging in physically active or demanding exercise means that your body NEEDS extra time in bed. To improve your strength, endurance and speed you will need between 20% – 40% more sleep. So here is the calculation: if you are getting 6 hours of peaceful sleep normally, increase your rest by 1 hour. So Go To BED!

Our body is like a battery; the only way to naturally recharge our body is to get ENOUGH REST!

Be Blessed, Stay Healthy!

See ya!

Dr. Joy

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